We provide all of your dog, cat and other small animal’s vaccinations, including yearly boosters and starter courses for young and rehomed pets.
Puppy Packs
We can help you welcome your new pet into the family, including socialisation parties as they begin to explore the world.
Kitten Packs
We can help you welcome your new pet into the family, as they begin to explore the world.
Castration and spaying for your pet, as well as advice on when and why to perform them.
Microchipping is now a legal requirement for all dogs over the age of eight weeks. We also provide microchipping for cats and other small animals.
Dedicated Feline Facilities
Recognised as a gold standard Cat Friendly Clinic by International Society of Feline Medicine – only the second practice in Wales to achieve this.
Nurse Clinics
Our nurses can offer a range of services, including dental clinics, pet fit club, puppy and kitten advice and care for senior pets.
We have modern facilities and many years of experience performing surgeries on small animals.
Dental Care
Dental care is an important element of pet health, and our vets and nurses can advise on how to make sure your pet’s mouth is in top condition.
Ultrasound & X-Ray
In-house imaging equipment to help us to swiftly and accurately diagnose any health issues your pet may be suffering.
You can collect any prescription medicines for your pet from our practice.
Pet Fit Club
Obesity is a growing concern among our pet population. We provide encouragement and monitoring as well as dietary advice for this and other nutritional problems your pet may encounter.
Senior Clinics
Older pets often have different health care needs, and we can advise on how best to look after your companion.
Saying Goodbye To Your Pet
Our experienced team can discuss your options and guide you through this process in a sensitive and humane manner.